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Welcome to the Air Liquide Healthcare home oxygen ordering portal.

HOOF Part A portal:

The HOOF Part A allows non-specialist, e.g. GPs and non-respiratory hospital-based clinicians, to order static oxygen concentrators and static oxygen cylinders for patients to use at home. If your patient is a candidate for, or already has ambulatory oxygen, please contact your local HOS-AR.

If you would like to submit a HOOF Part A, click on ‘register as a new user’ and complete the form. 

To obtain a copy of our 'HOOF Part A Portal User Guide', please contact our Prescriber Support team at

HOOF Part B portal:

The HOOF Part B allows pre-approved** specialist clinicians in Air Liquide regions to order all home oxygen equipment types. 

If you are a GP or non-respiratory hospital-based clinician, please DO NOT register on the HOOF Part B portal.

HOOF Part B eLearning:

**You must be pre-approved and complete the mandatory eLearning prior to being registered registered as a new user’**.  

Please contact or your regional Respiratory Advisor to facilitate pre-approval. 

To obtain a copy of our 'HOOF Part B Portal User Guide', please contact your regional Respiratory Advisor.

For information and guidance on managing children on home oxygen therapy (paediatric oxygen) use the following link:

Paediatric Pan London Oxygen Group